Esting, is an activity that I 'coined'. Extreme Living. It is a collection of adventures, participations, accomplishments that fall under the headings of "Highest", "Longest", "Lonliest", etc..
A co-worker asked if dating the "World's dumbest girl" would qualify...but no, it has not been published as so. He DID work on the World's Largest Cruise Ship for awhile....that worked.
To qualify as an "Est" it must be published as can be long as it is published as "est" in Guiness, on a menu, in a brochure, on a sign, on a website....etc.
Phil & Kathleen's Ests
1. July 5, 2008....we rode the motorcycle across the "Lonilest highway in America", highway 50 from Fallon, NV to Ely, NV.
2. July 27, 2010...We camped at World's highest KOA at Cripple Creek, Co. at 10,000 ft.
3. July 28, 2010...we rode the motorcycle up the "Highest paved rode in North America" to the top of Mt Evans (14,240 feet) in Colorado.
4. July 29, 2010...we rode the motorcycle across Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain National Park...the "Highest continuous highway in America"
5. July 31, 2010...We camped at the "World's Oldest , first, KOA".
6. August 7, 2010...We visited the "World's richest hill"....Butte, Montana. Mined here was copper, molybdenum, gold, and silver.

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Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
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