We have been involved in raising and showing goats for over 30 years. We are NOT scammers. Every goat is guaranteed to be exactly as indicated. All kids are either polled or disbudded at the appropriate time.
Wormed. Vaccinated for CD&T
We maintain a "closed" or at least very "selective" herd. All of our animals last tested Negative with regards to CAE , Johne's, CL and Brucellosis in Feb. 2005 ( we began testing in 1995 ).
Contact text or call 405-820-0363 as availability changes daily
I do accept deposits ( $50 ) for specific requests. You may request a kid from a specific breeding pair or sometimes I have an adult doe that may be purchased already bred. Those who have a deposit on file will get a notification of all animals that become 'for sale', with adequate time to respond, before the 'for sale' list is made public.