3XGRCH Green Gate Prince of Tides PGCH MCH Green Gate Cinderella's Prince ( PGCH ) PGCH MCH GoodWood X-Ray ( PGCH ) Goodwood Rio Tigre
Goodwood Tahoka
PGCH Green Gate Cinderella ( PGCH ) Chisholm Trail Walker
WGF Tess
3XCh Piddlin Acres Aurora PGCH Piddlin Acres Blue Thunder ( PGCH ) Gladys Porter Zoo Alis Tex
Woodhaven Farms Moondancer
2XCh Piddlin AcresTic Tac Doe Gladys Porter Zoo Alis Tex
Willow Creek Tin Lizzie
3XGRCH Tyny Heidi 3XGRCH Green Gate Prince of Tides PGCH MCH Green Gate Cinderella's Prince ( PGCH ) PGCH MCH GoodWood X-Ray ( PGCH )
PGCH Green Gate Cinderella ( PGCH )
3XCh Piddlin Acres Aurora PGCH Piddlin Acres Blue Thunder ( PGCH )
2XCh Piddlin AcresTic Tac Doe
Green Gate Confetti Green Gate Blue Exiguus PGCH MCH GoodWood X-Ray ( PGCH )
3XCh Piddlin Acres Aurora
1XCh Green Gate Xena PGCH MCH GoodWood X-Ray ( PGCH )
Goodwood Q Sonora

I do accept deposits ( $50 ) for specific requests. You may request a kid from a specific breeding pair or sometimes I have an adult doe that may be purchased already bred. Those who have a deposit on file will get a notification of all animals that become 'for sale', with adequate time to respond, before the 'for sale' list is made public.

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