- All of my animals have been tested and are negative with regards to CAE(Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis),CL (Caseous Lymphadenitis), and Brucellosis . We have never had a positive test for any of these at the Tyny Goat Ranch. I have used the ELISHA test from Washington State University ( began testing 8/95, last tested 2/20/05 ). After testing yearly for 10 years and never a positive result in any of the above, I suspended testing and relied on only very selective additions and exposure of the herd to outside animals.
- Another common problem that pygmy goat breeders have sometimes is the development of Urinary calculi in the Bucks or Wethers. You should familiarize yourself with this condition if you are not aware of it. There are some steps that I take to prevent its formation that seem to have worked for me so far.
- Are you familiar with Johne's Disease ? You SHOULD BE if you raise or want to raise goats. This is a great disease to play "Russian Roulette" with. All of my animals have been tested and are negative with regards to this condition as well. We have never had a positive Johnes's test at the Tyny Goat Ranch to date. I have used the ELISHA test from Washington State University ( began testing 8/95, last tested 2/20/05 ). My herd is now "closed", meaning all animals being brought onto the premises must have a current negative test for CAE, Johne's, and CL
- The best advice for successful 'kidding' is to BE THERE. Here is the 'trick' that I learned to tell when labor/delivery is imminent. I usually know when my does are bred so I generally have a 10-day window. This technique allows me to narrow it down to a few HOURS as to when the blessed event will occur.
- I take GREAT pains to help insure that my goat's food and water do not become contaminated with dirty feet and feces. Hay feeders and grain feeders are mounted outside their pens so that they must stick their heads through the fence to eat or drink.
Water bowls ( I use automatic waterers that provide fresh water at all times ) and feed bowls are washed and disinfected regularly with a Clorox bleach mixture.
- When attending shows, I use a mild Clorox bleach mixture to spray (pump up garden sprayer) the pen and fencing before unloading my animals into the pen. I also use a similar solution to spray off each animal's hoof as I am loading to leave.
- I have a vaccination schedule that I use religiously in an effort to keep several pathogens/parasites under control.
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